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What does Energy IQ show me?
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Written by tado°
Updated over 3 months ago

You can access Energy IQ from the Home Screen of your app. If you have Auto-Assist, you’ll have full access to all Energy IQ features.*

Heating Insights

This interactive graph shows your cost/consumption over time. To best visualise your data, you can do the following:

  • Select the month and year you want to view by tapping on the date picker above the graph and scrolling through the menu.

  • Toggle between your estimated heating Cost and Consumption (in kWh/m³).

  • Select any point along the graph’s curve to view the cost or consumption data for that time. This includes points in the future, for which the graph shows a forecast of your expected heating costs/consumption, based on the available data.

Heating Insights Details

After selecting either Cost or Consumption on the graph above, select the arrow on the right next to Heating Insights to access more detailed data:

  • Month-to-month comparison: compare your selected month with the previous month.

  • Year-to-year comparison: compare your selected month with the same month from the previous year.

  • Cost/Consumption by type: if tado° also controls your hot water, compare your Heating usage against Hot Water usage.

  • Cost/Consumption per room: this breakdown assumes your rooms consume the same if they’re turned on for the same period and at the same intensity.

Below the graph, you’ll find more tools to help you manage your costs and consumption.

Cost Simulator

Cost Simulator estimates the potential energy savings if the heating in a room is lowered by a certain amount. Savings are based on the heating history of the room in the past 30 days. If, for example, your living room temperature is usually 20°C and you’d like to check the potential savings from lowering the temperature by 3°, the Simulator can estimate that for you.

To benefit from the estimated savings in the next 30 days, do the following:

  1. Select the rooms you wish to estimate the heating consumption for.

  2. Decrease or increase the temperature to see how that change would impact your savings.

  3. Select Go to Smart Schedule at the bottom of the screen.

  4. Set the new temperature for each room in the Smart Schedule. If you have more than one time block and, for example, you lowered the room temperature by 3° in the Simulator, you’ll have to lower it by 3° in each time block.

  5. Select the tick in the top right corner to confirm changes in your Smart Schedule.

Please note:

  1. The Simulator can only show estimates for rooms that have had heating activity in the past 30 days.

  2. If there are rooms actively heating without tado° devices, Energy IQ won’t be able to take these rooms into consideration, and the total estimate will be less accurate.

  3. At present, our estimate only takes into account the energy used for heating. This is why your report won’t show any energy usage for domestic hot water.

Savings summary

The Savings summary gives a breakdown of how tado° helped you save over the last month. It shows you the number of hours that:

  • Geofencing set your heating to Away Mode

  • Smart Schedule set your heating to an energy-saving temperature

  • Weather Adaptation accounted for the natural heat of sunshine

  • Open Window Detection shut off heat due to an open window

Lastly, the Savings summary shows you how many degrees Flow Temperature Optimization reduced your system’s flow temperature (only available if your heat source supports OpenTherm) and what percentage of energy-saving temperature adjustments you made manually.

Increase accuracy

Improve the accuracy of your estimates by adding previous consumption data and your energy tariff.

Please note: if you bought your products from one of our partners, you might not be able to access this report.

*The report is not available for the Smart AC Control.

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