When Geofencing is turned on for a time block in your Smart Schedule, this time block will become active only if tado° is in Home Mode.
If you turn Geofencing off, the time block will become active regardless of the Home members’ location and irrespective of whether tado° is in Home or Away Mode.
This is useful if, for example, you want to make sure that your home is at a specific temperature, at a specific time, even when none of the residents with a smartphone is at home. For instance, if you have a cleaner or kids at home without a smartphone or without the tado° app.
To change this setting:
Go to the Room Screen of your choice in the tado° app and tap the Smart Schedule icon in the upper right corner of the screen.
Tap on the relevant time block and go to Advanced Settings.
Toggle Geofencing off.
Repeat for all relevant time blocks.