Check tado° server status
No remote access is shown in the app when there is a problem with the connectivity of your tado° devices.
There are several reasons why the app could show no remote access. Here are a few ways in which you can solve this problem:
Check if your internet connection is working. To do this, log in to your home’s Wi-Fi network on your smartphone. If it is not working, please check that your router is powered and reset the router. This will usually resolve a temporary issue with the internet connection.
Check if the Smart AC Control displays an error.
If it shows an E01 error, it means that a timeout has occurred while connecting to the Wi-Fi network.
If it shows an E02 error, it means that the Wi-Fi connection is lost.
If it shows an E03 error, it means that the router hasn’t transmitted an IP address to the device.
If it shows an E04 error, it means that there is a problem with the connection to the tado° servers.
If it shows an E05 error, it means that there is a problem with the internet connection.
If you can’t resolve your problem immediately or if there is no connection, you can always control your cooling and/or heating manually on your device.